showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
God of War Sony (SIE Santa Monica Studio)2018 actionadventure adv-xpdistr attackwarning axes blocking bossarenas bossbattles bossmeter cannibalism cleargame colossi columnarjointing companion deities difficulty enemyhealthdisplay family-theme gianthumanoids giants godlingprotagonist godofwar healthdrops healthpickups magic maleprotagonist monsters nohealthregen norsemythology optionaltasks parentprotagonist parrying photomode playablecredits prophecy rage recurringopponent sequelhook slowmotion socketables tasktracker thrownweapons timedblocks unarmedfighting undead upgradesystem warriorprotagonist whips wilderness wintery xp-kills His vengeance against the gods of Olympus far behind him, Kratos now lives as a man in the lands of Norse Gods and monsters. It is in this harsh, unforgiving world that he must fight to survive... and teach his son to do the same. As mentor and protector to a son determined to earn his respect, Kratos is faced with an unexpected opportunity to master the rage that has long defined him. Questioning the dark lineage he’s passed on to his son, he hopes to make amends for the shortcomings of his past. Set within the untamed forests, mountains, and realms of Norse lore, God of War features a distinctly new setting with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters, and gods.***
Minna de Spelunker Z Square Enix (Tozai Games)2015 bombs companion lamp lives maleprotagonist score subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Omensight Spearhead Games2018 acknowledgedsilence actionadventure apocalyptic arkhamcombat companion femaleprotagonist hackandslash langbrazil-port magic multipleperspectives oneofakind rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 silentprotagonist sorcery substitutespeaker supernaturalprotagonist swords thedestroyer timetravel titlementioned uniqueprotagonist Omensight is an action murder mystery. You are the Harbinger, a powerful mystical warrior. You have witnessed the destruction of the world. In order to prevent annihilation you are destined to repeat that fateful day and solve the murder of the Godless-Priestess, whose death precipitated the apocalypse.***
The Last Guardian  Sony Computer Entertainment (Team Ico;SCE Japan Studio)2016 actionadventure childprotagonist climbingonpeople companion developmenthell environmentalpuzzle formervaporware giants gryphons ledges monsterfriend stumbling uvl-workingtitle Originally for PS3, until it vanished in 2011. Re-appaeared in 2015 for PS4.

US trademark for the game's title was abandoned on 2012-08-06.

However, the game was stated to be in active development in 2013: [url][/url]***Apparently トリコ (toriko; Trico) is mix of tori (bird) and neko (cat), reflecting the central creature's apperance as a mix between cat and bird (effectively resembling a griffin).